INVERSE combines 169 moving black spherical objects into a seemingly living entity. It forms a ghostly figure, like a flock of birds in synchronized flight against the bright sky.
From a dark amorphous form, a single-celled organism, a curious being slowly develops and seems to interact with the visitor. Monochromatic, sometimes threatening in its appearance, the ensemble presents in silhouette against the bright background.
INVERSE lives from the contrast between artificial movement and associative perception. Sometimes floating lightly and elegantly like a leaf in the wind, then again sinking heavily to the ground like a tough mass. The form and character of the kinetic sculpture continuously change.
INVERSE is a site-specific new development and has its premiere in DARK MATTER.
Artist: Christopher Bauder
Music & Sound Design: Boris Acket
Production: WHITEvoid
Motor Systems & Software: KINETIC LIGHTS
Photos: Ralph Larmann / WHITEvoid / Frank Sauer
Video: Gerrit Piechowski / Frank Sauer